The Flaky Derelict

Of masks, monsters and demons caged in my head.

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Flowers should not grow

In the chest of a crow

The realm of ice and snow

Where dragons died

And children cried

Where Gods bled

And the dying fled

The lives they’ve led.


Flowers should not grow

Though I’m glad they do

For I love broken things

And breaking things anew

Do you?

Beautiful view askew

I wish I flew

Alongside the heart I slew

Above the earth

The pain it brings

the stench that stings

But I do not.


I do not

So I’ll keep my silence

Avert my eyes

Reveal the truth

Beneath frail disguise

Crave what’s between her thighs

Of love, lust and sweet demise

As she sips the wine

And pours me sighs

For in me

Flowers should not grow



The end.


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Death Is Red


I’d always thought I’d be around to witness the death of everything and everyone, mine with intrigue, but I hardly ever imagined that my demise would be a woman. A beautifully designed one at that.

I’ve known the foreign beauty for quite some years now, yet I was never keen on identifying with her nor had any intent on showing her my true colours, not because of my lack of eloquence nor because I secretly coveted her with inexplicable zeal but rather because she was a ‘Grey’. Greys are true to their colourlessness; Nothing and everything, all in a carefully orchestrated chaos that they’ve created alongside a legion of masks and facades to hide whatever darkness lies within. On most occasions she would wear this pink array of carelessness and false wisdom, admittedly it worked for her but I am in a very pretentious and destructive phase of my life. 


And I love the word ‘But’… it stops, it interrupts…


I was high. A funny fact about drugs/alcohol and I is that they allow moi, yours true, to be who I carefully hide as well as think aloud like a twat; They reveal me to ‘Them’.

Unmasked, I asked her in whispers:  

Who are you?

If someone asks, rather, if I asked, what would be your answer?

And before I could retract the question that sounded rather pointless, she swiftly pierced me with a calm, collected and genuine answer:

I am death.

I leave and all ends.

It is what it is.

I was lying in bed yet my knees gave out, my heart excitedly skipped around my chest and I kissed her. The last part did not actually happen but in my world I was salvaged by the image. 

Most men long to meet their maker and ultimately give up their demons, I offered mine in submission in return for  some of hers. Fair Trade. The girl who was death had finally come for me and I’d always imagined the death of everything and everyone. She is Red.


Artwork by : Yasmine Al Adawy



الغريب : تأوه الشيطان


لم لازلت أحبك؟

ولم لازال الكلم على سطور يعشقك؟

دعوت الاله 

دعوت الاله أن أنسى شعرا فيه خلدتك 

وأن تمطر السماء خمرا به اكرهك 

وأن تقف الشفاه طلبا لتقبيلك 

ولكن لا اجابة لمن لم يعبد 

فلا قصصا نسيت 

ولا دموعا اسكرت 

ولا رغبة قتلت 


شق علي عشقك 

وكرهت رقصك وحدك 

وذللت كمجنونك 

وضللت كشيطانك 

فلم لازلت أحبك ؟


دعوت الاله أن يأخذني لجنته 

فعذبني بـنارك 

وبجسد تحت ثيابك 

واخاف أن يأتني الموت 

وأنا مازلت أحبك 





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Affliction: Serenity, absolute

To feel, feels odd

A reaction I’ve abandoned



A conscious choice

For mortality lies

Under the Godlike masking

Biding and tasking

To feel, feels odd

I doubted my humanity

For my remarkable ability

To summon emotions

I laugh at a good joke

I cry when people should

I get excited because I can

Not because I feel human

But simply because

It’s human to feel

To feel, feels odd


Odd is amusing this way

resting on the precipice

To my surprise

Odd was righteous


Silence reigned




To feel, feels odd.




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Sinful Times VI: View Askew


I don’t want you

Or rather

I don’t want to want you

For I am nothing

A mask

A façade

A story

A lie told so many times

I ended up believing it

And you are everything


A smile

A grin

A truth told so many times

You ended up not perceiving it


I don’t want to want to want you

More paradox


I don’t know what to write more on the subject

Because it does not end

Ascend or descend

I will always find you a beauty

And you’ll always find nothing

Or because there is no subject

But it’s okay

It’s what I’m used to

It’s what I was born to do

Because if everything exists

Nothing must exist

There is no perfect system

If there is a program, there is a glitch

If there is a life, there is death

And vice versa

Can you follow the thought process?

Can you see?

I can’t

Thoughts overflow

I kick the thought

And ponder it

And as I wonder

It multiplies

And diverges

Into more thoughts

More ideas

And the more ideas murdered

The more ideas surface


You don’t know pain

Or rather

You know another kind of pain

But I’ve embraced pain

I submitted to it

I found beauty in it

I fell in love with it

Because I have no other feelings

I fake all other feelings

I fake living

But I’ve not faked wanting you

Which is why I don’t want to want you

Because it feels wrong

It feels different

Out of my regular discomfort zone

I am writing

I don’t know what

Nor why

I am just writing

Mainly because I can

Or can’t

What I can is different from what I can’t

Captain obvious strikes again

Impeccable shot

Right through the crest

The chest

It yearns, it burns

It falls to the ground and laughs

It’s always funny

It’s always fun

It’s all a big joke

So might as well be laughing



What a beautiful thought

How did this mess begin?

With a smile or with a frown

I again have lost track


Going nowhere fast

Destination Grey

There is no night

As there is no day

Just grey

Where impossible become improbable

Immortality is the obligation

In servitude lives the nation

Pariahs in a derelict universe


Is the new trend

A blend

Of the myth and mystic

To save us from ourselves

Or let us save ourselves

Evident is our human incompetence

Children locked in earthly denizens

Be gone demons of old

And rust in the cold

Leave us be

Let me be






Or not

I guess I might live to write another day

About you

Then drift to blasphemy anew

Why are you


My beautiful

View askew.






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الغريب : قيام الليل


صليت تجاه قبلتكي


وقبلت بعرش مجنونك

فانت من عشقت , وحدك

وتسلقت القلاع لأجلك

فقير نظر السماء لترقصي

عار سكن الشفاه ليأتوي

شيطان هداه هواه لترفضي


اتاكي الحب متبخترا

حاملا رسالتي

فتمزقين حشاشتي

وتلومين حزنك

فاتبسم لتضحكي

وتكملين رقصك


صليت تجاه قبلتك

ودعوت الاله لتقبلي

وكتبت في الليالي

رثاء من ظننت ليلتي


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قصائد الغريب


ركعت وركعت سمائي

فان كان لي رب

فكيانه لأحبك فيه


روح من روح الاله تجلت 

سمراء قاهرة المعز تبخترت 

جنة عنب لسكير تخمرت 

قطرات غوث لظمآن تلألأت 


 اراكي خلف قناعك 

 وأرى الحزن معتليا قلاعك 

وأندب حبا مغادرا قلبك 


لست أنا داءك 

ولن أصبح دواءك 

أنا شيطانك 

شاعر يعشقك 


أكملي رقصتك 

ودعيني اسكن شفاهك 

واحمل اثامك

وأخلد جمالك 

.في قصائد قبيحة


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صوم القلم

سألوني عن الدين 

افتيت بلا أعلم 

فالعلم عند الله 

وما لعبد بعلم المعبود 

وإن اطال السجود 

ونبذ طريق بني ثمود. 

وسألوني عن الدنيا 


قلت عجوز شمطاء 

مسخها الألم 

فقد سعت ودعت 

ولم يستجب.

وسألوني عن ليلى 

قلت انهار نبيذ فاضت

فأغرقت سكيرها 

من تركها ترقص وحدها 

وظل يكتب قصص لها 

ثم سألوا عن الغريب 

قلت حالُه حال ليلى

رحل ورحلت قصصه 

قالوا ايخفى نور الشمس بعد غروبها ؟

صرخت عشق الغريب مخلد 

اما الغريب ففان

وقلمي صائم ظمآن

لا يعلم لهلال الغريب أوان

فليرحل وترحل قلاعه

لأفطر بقصص غيره 

أو أصبح شيطانه. 


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Mendacious Circumlocution – Part VIII

The floor is cold enough to remind me of older times, colder times. The stench of long lost and abandoned memories fill my damaged lungs and instantly triggers my need for cigarette shaped self sodomy. 

As the fire burns the lips and penetrates the chest, I pick my body up and sway anxiously towards the empty bathroom tub waiting to embrace my existence with open porcelain arms.

Hours pass in liquid tranquility, calm, heavenly, Eternity. Dripping sadness afterwards as I creep slowly towards my razor-sharp bedding, I crawl under the sheets hoping for the comfort of comatose and only achieving mere fleeting moments of sleep.

The waiting part is the harshest, especially when I’m at a reasonable high, I struggle to keep the thoughts rushing through me like waves eating away at stones, Order, I want order, alphabetical, ascending or even from the morose to the melancholic. But as previously predicted, I nonchalantly fail in my fucking pathetic attempts.

Overwhelmed, I fade into the blackness, I become part of nothing, engulfed in everything and for a blink of an eye, I was at peace, I was peace and I was the pieces and the puzzle.

Alas, I open my eyes once again to my laughable reality that longs to dive into the open seas back to Atlantis, that wishes to descend under the waves of shameful lust and looks around for the end credits about to start rolling…slowly…carefully…finally.



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Mendacious circumlocution – Part V

The right time and the right place, two vague concepts which I was never properly introduced to, as opposed to the more familiar area of the wrong timing and the wrong spacial placement. I guess one descends from the former to either a. Apologizing to one’s self, b. Resenting one’s self or c. Embracing the idea that some are destined for greatness and some are meant to wallow the missed chances. Honestly speaking, yours true is wired to miraculously exercise the alphabet of options in the same exact moment in time. Kindly suppress your bafflement.

Applying the Palahniuk methodology in his masterpiece ‘Invisible Monsters’, jump with me to a cheap hotel in the desert during one of Egypt’s fiery summers. There she was in her absolutely stunning lack of glamour and social experience and there I was, all in hidden awe, wearing the mask of benign social interaction, asking questions I have the answers to, throwing jokes I profoundly find tasteless and avoiding the want and/or need to mentally and physically ravage the core of her being, or..well, her lady parts. In short, even though I was at the theoretical ‘right time and place’, I failed to recognize it and passed the opportunity for awaited bliss, or…well, I was a lady part.

Jump back to the present, after events of certain social significance, I am afflicted by sudden melancholic nostalgia but guess what?…No..No..You have to guess! The wrong time and the wrong place! Ding Ding Ding..We have a winner..or a loser..doesn’t matter.

To put a simple ending to a rather elaborate beginning, I could share this with no one specific, henceforth I write. There is no happy ending, there are obviously no lady parts but there seems to be an overabundance of mendacious circumlocution.

Dive.Descend.The end.
